Credit Report Verification Service

​​Qatar Credit Bureau places high priority on the accuracy of the information contained in the credit report. Therefore, it applies the highest standards of privacy and information security to ensure that only those who are authorized to access the information through the consent of the owner of the report can view the credit report information. 

With the great technological development and the development of means of fraud and forgery, Qatar Credit Bureau launched a credit report verification service for customers in order to verify that the report submitted to them is a true report that has not been tampered with or forged and has been submitted by the person authorized to review it.​

The steps to verify the credit report are as follows:

  1. Scan the QR code using the smartphone camera.​
  2. Login to your National Authentication System (Tawtheeq).
  3. Create a one-time password and then enter it by clicking on “Verify OTP".
  4. Download the credit report to verify the validity of the information received.